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This book gently probes the ravages and the comforts of the aging process and then softly pokes at the emotional landscape changes within the mind that happen on the journey into and through the senior years. These poems reflect change and endurance and their relationship to each other and the spirit. Life is filled with many tiny moments that are often paid little attention to, but Jenoff brings these seemingly insignificant moments to the forefront where they can shine for a few seconds and spin the reader into a memory of their own that has almost been forgotten. 

Marvyne Jenoff’s deep understanding of human nature’s ups and downs, joys and trepidations is ever prevalent throughout the book as she weaves a pathway and gently shines a light into the hazy corners and dusty closets encountered on our own separate journeys as we travel life’s winding road. This is a balanced look into NOW and THEN as the sections in the book suggest. Readers will find themselves recalling memories and reliving magic moments from yesteryear as they read the lines and then read between the lines to find their own truths; their own inner selves.She deftly wields both the soft and sharpened edge of her pen in harmony with the subject matter presented in each poem. 

“Humane and concrete, the poetry of Marvyne Jenoff presents a fiery and often witty account of age, change, and endurance.” –
Richard Greene, winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award for Poetry 

 “With wit and careful attention, Marvyne Jenoff’s poems investigate and praise a life’s small daily moments—a worn robe, a “preposterous lamp”, the skill of knitting a glove. Her appreciations bring us closer to our own lives, deepen our understanding of humanity, our fears and comforts.” –
Maureen Hynes, author of “Sotto Voce”

“Firmly rooted in the familiar, Marvyne Jenoff’s poems climb higher than the rain through the magic of their deft artistry.” – J
ohn Reibetanz, author of “Earth Words”.

Jenoff shows us the colour of the weather and allows us to climb the rain of our own private world with a greater sense of being and our place in the cosmos of body, mind and spirit. –
Candice James, Poet Laureate Emerita, New Westminster, BC CANADA, author of “Rithimus Aeternam”

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