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Review by W. Ruth Kozak,

Author, Shadow of the Lion

As I listened to Deborah L. Kelly read at the launch of her new collection of poems Through My Eyes, it was clear to me that the poet has a close association with her Creator.  In fact, it was commented later that these poems could be read as part of a liturgy at a church service. Reading through this sensitive, beautiful collection, I felt the poet’s close association with nature and Mother Earth.

Each poem is like a hymn transporting the reader to quiet, serene scenes in forest glades, surrounded with ‘the quiet of the night, velvet blue ‘on white of moon,’ transporting us on wings of angels and eagles. In “Peacock Feathers, Crystal Wings” we fly on wings of crystal, a tiny hummingbird. The title poem “Through My Eyes” is particularly poignant; a beautiful tribute to the poet’s dying mother. ‘I have touched your brow as you suffered, placed my kisses upon your cheek as I bent to whisper in your ear, “I love you, mom, now, forever and always.”  For anyone who has lost a loved one this is sure to bring tears to your eyes, just as it did to mine.

Deborah L. Kelly’s poems are tender and spiritual, and clearly demonstrate the healing power of poetry.

Review by Margo Prentice, Poet/Comedian

Passionate and spiritual the visual landscapes reveal the ugliness of pain and its infliction on each other and our mother earth. This is what Deborah Kelly shows us in her book of poems, “Through My Eyes. All is there for the reader to see and feel on a deep level that sinks into our being like warm water into dry soil. There is nourishment for our psyche from her words; they also give freedom and hope.  In her poems nature is a strong liberating spiritual force and we begin to realize the oneness of us all with our Mother Nature. In her, “Skagit’s Splendour,” “sounds of the wilderness soothe me, while breezes of June cleanse away the wrinkles of time.” There is a healing power in her words I look forward to her next book. Congratulations Deborah on a job so beautifully done.